Hi Linda Logan, this is a Gift to you : The Gift From NatureWater, water, and waterThe most purest sign of virtue,How wonderfully nature has indebted us with this gift,An offer that none can resistOh water, water, water Comes in all forms of statesSolid, liquid, and gas...Packaged in all forms of life,That subtle taste that we cannot taste,That deep fragrance that we cannot smell,As it falls onto your smooth skin and romances around your body,That reassurance in the body which rests the mind,That horrific depression if suppressed from,Energy replenished, mixed in all sorts, organic and inorganic, for it were not for thy water, how could you fabrish the presence of life?
hej friends,wish you all a nice christmas time,a wonderful weekend and all what you need for happiness,lg Stefan...Anna David feat Mohammed Ali"all about love"its a nice christmas song,hope you like it...www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhdNGCvXiLE