Miss n love you bro
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Miss n love you bro
Show moreI miss you so much bro. 😢I wish you were here. I dont know who to turn to when I need someone to talk to. I cant truly say it has never been the same since you left. I try my best to keep my head up remembering all you left, the laughs, the memories, all the stupid shit we used to do 😧. You always made people smile also gave great advice and words of encouragement but continue to look down on us bro especially your parents watch over them. BigBoyz with you now, love and be with him like you done for all your nieces and nephews. Can't wait til the day comes to see you again bro. Rest in all our love bro #LouisJosephAugustinoGago #LJAG #Forever92 #RIPLoose #FlyHighBro
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