  • Classic - Jojo life in pics, cards, photos and other... stuff and things Mix Photo
    A card from my Nan and Grandad
  • Classic - Jojo life in pics, cards, photos and other... stuff and things Mix Photo
    B-days cards from Mom and Lilly (sister)
  • Classic - Jojo life in pics, cards, photos and other... stuff and things Mix Photo
    a Card from a lovely young man and one from My grandad
  • Classic - Jojo life in pics, cards, photos and other... stuff and things Mix Photo
    Sash made this for me on the last day of 6th form
  • Classic - Jojo life in pics, cards, photos and other... stuff and things Mix Photo
    Here is the second half!
  • Classic - Jojo life in pics, cards, photos and other... stuff and things Mix Photo
    My lovely friend Louisa made this for me
  • Classic - Jojo life in pics, cards, photos and other... stuff and things Mix Photo
    Bobble the lil' blue owl card and the invites I made from my 18th!
  • Classic - Jojo life in pics, cards, photos and other... stuff and things Mix Photo
    Birthday cards, the big one is from my buddies at the NU!
  • Classic - Jojo life in pics, cards, photos and other... stuff and things Mix Photo
    These are cards I got after my 'Mother Courage' performance!
  • Classic - Jojo life in pics, cards, photos and other... stuff and things Mix Photo
    Sash made this for me
  • Classic - Jojo life in pics, cards, photos and other... stuff and things Mix Photo
    2 cards that came with flowers, 1 'thank you' card from my mom
  • Classic - Jojo life in pics, cards, photos and other... stuff and things Mix Photo
    X-mas cards - From My sis, Sash and my Grandad
  • Classic - Jojo life in pics, cards, photos and other... stuff and things Mix Photo
    B-day cards, One from my Sis, my grandad and my Mom
  • Classic - Jojo life in pics, cards, photos and other... stuff and things Mix Photo
    I just really love the way this pic looks, plus.. she's booty-ful!!
  • Classic - Jojo life in pics, cards, photos and other... stuff and things Mix Photo
    If I had an idol (which I dont) this lady would be it... beautiful!!

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