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a mix from Ladydust for David's birthday & for the death of an era.
invited at the radio of avopolis...:)
Thanks for the wonderful messages❤
Listen to it again here: https://www.mixcloud.com/Ladydust/invited-at-astikos-thoryvos-avopolis-radio-412017/
Brand new www.ladydust.com
Powered by Bondfractal. (www.bondfractal.com).
Thanks Panos!
An amazing thing he did out there.
Navigate through the different menus, (Dust Life, Dust Drama, Dust Sets, Dust Web, Planet Ladydust & Ladydust the Book), to find out what's new (& old of course) in my world, the world of Ladydust.
Everything's coming out in images & links which you can share everywhere!!
Μore today's news. (this one tomorrow's to be more exact).Our premiere for the journalists of Ice Age 5!(for the crowd, is on July 14th:)
Show moreAthens Voice/summer guide 2016 και η επιλογη μου πανω στο νησι καταγωγης..της Ροδου:)
Thanks για το σαλονι!
Το γνωστό δίδυμο της Ladydust και της Νiki T. σε μεγάλα κέφια. Με τον γνωστό κεραυνό του Ziggy η μια και τ' ασημένια playlists του πλανητη της και τις indie-shoegaze επιλογές τη�...
Show morewww.wherevent.com/detail/IPPO-Bar-Ladydust-Niki-T-on-Dexx
This coming Saturday!
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