KA Health Administration does not support the FDAs decision to approve the vaccinations after Pfizer has been reporting deaths from its vaccines.
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KA Health Administration does not support the FDAs decision to approve the vaccinations after Pfizer has been reporting deaths from its vaccines.
Show moreWhen you are not sure about something... the best thing to do is not rush into to it. If you are being bribed or paid to do something you wouldn't' other wise do such as take an injection of a virus don't do it. if you are requested to sign a document that will prevent you from suing the company that injected you with viruses or computer technology do take the injection. if you are encouraged by sensationalism and fancy televisions ads which manipulate your better judgment and convinces you to take a vaccine made of viruses and computer chips. don't take them.
Show moreKA Treasury is in the final stages of the Imperial Bank development. We expect to have digital operations ready by the end of May as we progress to the Artystic, Investment and Unions banks. We will post the benefits and banking options as we progress.
Show moreKA Schools o under coding for our education systems. We hope to be ready for winter enrollments for several of our education systems. With over thirty schools to implement we don’t expect every admin to be ready but we will be able to accept requests for enrollment as soon as October until further notice.
Show moreKA Media administration is also in development stages for operations with the Artystic Web Design geniuses building the imperial internet and World Wide Web. We are becoming fully digital. Independent and self sufficient.
Show moreThese lies are the same as the lies the dope dealers in the streets tell you to get your hooked. It’s good for you. And it is if you are on the road to death and are just looking for me thing to ease the pain along the way or to help you along.
Show moreMean while they cause things like liver disease, kidney failure, brain damage, strokes, heart diseases and failure, they cause other things that don’t seem as detrimental too and all of the prescriptions you get put on to try and cure these side effects are killing you slowly. Breaking down your body. All you had to do id take your vitamins and practice healthy lifestyle.
Show moreWhy shoot a baby with viruses and man made diseases before they are even sick? Reduces the number of injections they need? And all of the birth defects are from mothers and fathers who have been injected before them... and this limits the life span contrary to popular belief
Show moreThey want you to believe that this fact makes it safe. Meanwhile they have results like brain damage after tests.. so watch how you accept the information being given to you.
Show moreVitamins.. remember when you were a kid and you took them? Take them now. Ask your doctor what vitamins can you take for your immune system to improve. Not what new prescription. What over the counter methods.. what vitamins.l and then take them. Ask them what is the max amount you can take to help your immune system operate at its max without any injections or other chemicals. Then take it. Add them to your grocery or regular shopping list and take control over your life.
Show moreAll of these immune system boosters and we are being told that we need to inject a deadly virus into our bodies to get it to do the very thing these things are designed to do without side effects and potential health issues.
Show moreThese companies want to use the population as control samples and test their drugs on us because we are too lazy to do the right thing and take better care of ourselves. They want to give us brain damage, liver failure and heart failure. Kidney diseases even just so they can make money, abd the medical community is peddling it like dope dealers..
Show moreThey don’t want you to know you can beat this shit naturally or without taking the virus into your bodies.
Show moreSo the creators of these drugs... the upper most echelon of drug and dope dealers, want us to believe that injecting this virus into our bodies will have no side effects.. and that it is more healthy than telling you to go take your vitamins and exercise with a proper diet, cold medicine and cough drops until your natural immune system boosts and takes over. The right way..
Show moreThey say that injecting your body with a virus will boost your immune system, and that it’s more healthy than natural vitamins and supplements that boost your immune system without the man made versions of the virus you’re trying not to get, or that you’re trying to get rid of.. how is that logical?
Show moreIf they encourage and push healthy life, natural immune boosters instead of this junk people would live longer
Show moreWe need to move forward and put Trump behind us. We can do better without him and his kid’s games
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