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Brooklyn, NY
  • stop time

    Newhive by jzeidz I thoroughly enjoyed Hito Steyerl's "In Defense of the Poor Image" and playing with that concept of degraded images and what they say about art & its capital, I combined two lines ("Try asking another robot.
    I need time to formulate my reply.") from Christian Bök's "Busted Sirens,"a piece that was conceived in a similar degradation process, with a popular image macro to create a series of new image macros, playing with Seyrel's idea of a "visual bond" and a potential concept of a poetic bond.

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  • greek poetry

    Newhive by jzeidz about how form is related to meaning, I took Keats' poem and masked it with a diagram of Greek pottery, which created 14 "mini poems." Thinking about the concept of fragments in regards to both pottery and poetry, this experiment made the poem reflect what I think is a modern relation to these mediums. Thinking of a Grecian urn as a chipped artifact in a cold museum and a long poem as something that needs to be chopped and changed, I wanted to see what could come through combining this fracturing. This lead to me thinking about the profoundness many find in focusing bits and pieces rather than things in their entirety. This enjoyment of the concise is an area I wish explore further in my work in this class, as I feel like pairing down language, whether it be through visual replacements or using numerals, adds to the growing silence made possible through increased technology.

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  • IAMSSOSAD (@iamssosad) | Twitter

    The latest Tweets from IAMSSOSAD (@iamssosad). i want dinner :( this experiment, I made a twitter bot that is a dog who wants dinner but isn't happy with the quality of the food. After reading, Kenneth Goldsmith's essay On Conceptual Writing, I got caught up in what would be a "good idea" and then thought about how social media is used now as a form of emotional expression. This expression lead me to first want to have a twitter that only retweeted "i'm so sad" but very few people tweet that phrase consistently. I then decided to alter the phrase a little, using the pet food brand Iams, and make the piece about how people tend to project their emotions onto animals in a similar way that they now project their emotions as social media personas. The creation of these tangential identities, though often intended to be humorous, play with the ideas of perception and how that changes with technology.

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  • For this post I wanted to use my favorite SMS trend "chain texts" and combine it with a Satanic invocation. In my New Hive representation, I included the full text of the chain text with some of the reactions I got texted back. Most people told me they forwarded it to friends as well. No one who I texted knew that I wrote it. I think this passive spreading of an occult message speaks to my generation's casual attitude toward religion, technology, and sex and how the fear that used to be associated with those subjects has been increasingly diluted through humor.

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  • I wanted to explore the popularization & commodification of feminism through media with this experiment. In the last 5 years, feminism (most often white, cis-hetero feminism) has transformed from an academic & ideological field into a cultural & capitalistic accessory. By alternating lines from the Odyssey Online article "I Am Not A Feminist, And That Is Okay" with Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's "We Should All Be Feminists" the result is a piece that creates a feminist argument for not being a feminist. In basing this piece upon a failing argument, I hope to express the failure of non-intersectional feminism that is supported through the

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  • King Carole

    Newhive by jzeidz this experiment, I reworked the Gilmore Girl's theme song (a portion of Carole King's "Where You Lead") and turned it into a short passage where a Leader is telling their Followers what to do under the false idea that some day they too could be leaders. I came to this experiment with the intention that it would reflect my changing feelings toward the TV show Gilmore Girls, which I used to love and now find grating and shallow. I also wanted to play with the fine boundary of where love turns into creepy devotion. I want this experiment to question what it means to be a "leader" and what it means to be a "follower."

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