JHOWES MANAGEMENT AND 36.3 DSE Radio PRESENTS THE ATLANTA INVASION $500 GIVEAWAY@ CROWNES NEST IN ATLANTA GA. SUNDAY AUG 25th! 3 winners [ $250-$150-$100 ] Everybody come perform! Comfirmed guest Mike Myers ( Ceo of Hot Block Magazine Atlanta ), Dru Smith, Dolla ( Playaz Circle ), Duffle Bag Boyz, Cal ( Big Ooomp Camp) and more! Stl, Atl, Natti, Louisiana, NC, Kc will in the building! Headling Yo Banga, Bud (Stack Money Boyz), Redd Carlione, Young Spade, Chico Bailey, MzNicky, Rex Plex and more! To perform contact (314)374-5565@jhowesmanage
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