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Fayetteville, AR
  • When I was growing up there was a saying, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Its 2016 and by the upward trend of children committing suicide we know that is not the case. I am a 25 year old woman and I am not sensitive at all so for me its more like sticks and stones may break my bones but watch what the hell you say because I will cuss you the hell out! My supervisor just don't know who he hired and how may times he has been cussed out in my head. I do so much praying while I am at work that Jesus literally has to take the keyboard so that I do not send my supe any hateful emails. Lord only knows that I need this job but I am starting to feel like he need me to cuss him out so he can stop picking with me. Hell those that know me know the got the wrong sistah.

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  • I am currently pregnant with my 2nd child. This pregnancy is slightly different from the first because I am unwed and at times feel judged because of that. On that same note I was married when I got pregnant with my son and even though I had a husband I was miserable and had very little support from my partner, I was working two jobs and constantly having to fight him because he was insecure. This go round I have had more support than I thought could even be possible from a man that is not my spouse. Yes, we are in a relationship but everyone knows that pregnancy is difficult and many men use that as an excuse to escape a relationship. I applaud any man that respects the person that they choose to have children with married or not. There are so many great men out there that never get the recognition that they deserve because there are so many more men that a crappy and worthless that keep great fathers and men in the shadows.

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  • I am 25 years old and I have recently been working on my credit to buy a house. I thought about how much better my situation would be if I would have listen to those older than I, telling me things like stay away from credit cards, save your money or wait before you have children. I am not saying I regret any decision that I have made thus far but I am saying that I wish I would have listened to the advice that was offered to me before I got into the financial bind that I am in now. Thankfully I am a better listener than I was 7 years ago and I am a little (a lot) more frugal than I use to be so I am slowly but surely getting back on track with my finances and my life. I am just hopping to stay on this upward financial trend. I only have god to thank for the situation that I am currently in because without him I would be nothing! I often forget to say thank you but I am forever grateful for my blessings but that is a different story for a different post.

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  • So many times are there people with brown skin that are the epitome of excellence. So many times are those people with brown skin acknowledged. So if  you have brown skin and are excellent....BE GREAT!!! Never let anyone make you feel like there is someone that is greater, and if you see someone with brown skin being great lift them up instead of helping tear them down!

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  • Lately I have been seeing people post on Facebook about police shootings and how they shouldn't get away with killing anybody just because they have families. well, call me uncle tom or whatever you want to call it but I disagree but I also agree. I believe that there are times (many times) that officers kill citizens prematurely, I feel that yes those police officers need to face jail time. I also feel that if a person is actively resisting arrest and the police have tried other measures to subdue the suspect the weapon should be used as a last resort. I like to think of it like this. Americans expect soldiers to go over seas and fight "the bad guy" who may or may not have a family a soldiers concern is not weather he does or not it is to make sure that he and his comrades live to see another day. Even on American soil there are those that are intentionally trying to harm those that have sworn to protect the freedoms that you take for granted today. What makes a police officer any different than that soldier

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  • I would like to start by saying hello again MySpace it has been awhile. Almost 10 years to be exact. I will be using MySpace as a platform to voice my opinion and speak my mind without the burden of having to watch what I say as to not offend my co-workers or poorly educated Facebook friends, and by poorly educated I don't mean dumb. I just mean people that are not looking at the full picture of reality.

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