MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy Holidays! ... 12-24-15+ '...A galvanizing occasion that promotes humanitarianism and social conscientiousness should not be allowed to be used as a tool for sewing divisions within humanity by the selfish and the wicked that stand to gain from such divisions...' 12-24-15+ '...Much false ado has been made about "Merry Christmas" offending people that is, in actuality, a far departure from reality. It is a manufactured divisive propaganda that is similar to that of someone from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue that has been accused of taking away American guns since January 2009; yet there are more guns' ownership today as compared to said date...' 12-23-15+ '...History does not write itself without the input from the Creatures of Nature; same History is most unkind to same Creatures that elect to do nothing when opportunities present themselves for shaping History positively for all Creations of Nature...' 12-22-15Happy Holidays and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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