To order the DVD/Bluray at BFI store: A scene from the movie Herostratus (1967), directed by experimenta...
When you tried to define I was gone I was Gone Gone Gone I was Scared You would compare The truth with the dare The sound with the air They are the same from a certain perspective Were all the same if you could see from Jove’s direction His slug eyes paint with wasted time The yellow dotted line On the road to Aztlan I lost our first song In AM GOLD I am holy ghost I am teocuitlatl I am the Sound happens faster than light To the mind To the mind There’s a gap between BD cooper and the plane I can’t explain How I got simple And you got a way Of making me Gone Gone Gone When you cross Me you cross the Rubicon When you lost track of me I derailed When you divined me I failed When you define I was gone I was Gone Gone Gone Adieu, chère ME SPACE ! je ne vous verrai jamais plus. I will return to my original love that you can not digitize, macaroni art.