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I really love this song and just had to cover it. -Enjoy More music and info @ http://www.facebook.com/henryfinchmusic http://www.https://twitter.com/Henry_F...
Little cover i did last week :0
Show moreNew music Video!!!www.youtube.com/watch?v=dObDai_V7R8
Show morewww.facebook.com/henryfinchmusic/app_178091127385 NEW MUSIC CHECK IT OUT HERE :D
Show moreanyone heard the new BMTH????
Show moreOkay folks this one is more of a music video with actual game footage and it’s the latest and main single from the “Past the Shadows and the Ruins” EP!!!! I hope you guys enjoy it if you do subscribe comment, like drop me a line i’d really like tog et to know some new people. thanks :D
-Henry Finch
anyone have tumblr??
It is International Women's Day so I thought i'd make a photo collage of women who I admire and I feel have done al ot for all of their respected crafts not only music as some of these women do other things. Hayley Williams of Paramore, Jess Abbott of Now, Now/ Tancred, Cacie Dalager of Now, Now, Rebecca Need-Menear of Anavae, Alexz Johnson and Zooey Deschanel of She and him.
Show moresuch a nice day in LA :D Beach day!
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