Private Mix
Stream Mix
Gunnar Andersson
This mix contains all of the images and songs that have been posted to the stream.
  1. Gunnar Andersson
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    "ETT HÅL I HJÄRTAT"Jag har ett hål i hjärtat.Som jag fyller med ljusi alla former och nyansersom jag kommer över.Det kommer alltidatt vara ett hål.Min förhoppning äratt ljuset tar gestaltoch slår sig till ro.Tilltron till livetär stark och välgrundadpå erfarenhet.Det känns genast bättrehöstens färger är bedövandevackra.Snart kommer snön.....
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    Guidance received by Eileen CaddyRemember You Are In The World But Not Of ItKeep your eye fixed on the Light and refuse to see any darkness and you shall go forth in victory and overcome the ways of the world. The greater the chaos and confusion all around the more time you will have to spend in the stillness and in the silence to counteract the ways of the world.Remember you are in the world but not of it, so do not allow yourself to be tempted by the things of the world. Raise your consciousness and let your mind be stayed on Me and be at perfect peace.28 June 2019
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    Guidance received by Eileen CaddyRealise That Where You Stand Is Holy GroundNever feel that when you get to a certain place you are bound to find Me or when you do a certain thing. Stop chasing the end of the rainbow and find Me now right here within you. Realise that where you stand is holy ground.Cease your searching, cease your wandering in the wilderness and be still. Seek within and there you will find that which you are looking for, there you will find Me.14 June 2019Love Eileen Caddy
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    Guidance received by Eileen CaddyBe Still And In The Stillness Feel Your Consciousness ExpandBe still and in the stillness feel your consciousness expand, feel yourself rise far above all earthly contacts into the realms of the Spirit. Each time you become still you will find you are able to do this. Practice it more and more often. Cease driving yourself and take time to be alone with Me. During the day go away into the Sanctuary; that is what it is there for. Just go in and sit and absorb the peace and stillness and become One with Me, and then go forth renewed in spirit and filled with My divine Love. Never be too busy to do this. This renewing of the spirit is far more important than any job that has to be done because when you are right inside, you will be right outside and will be able to do everything in the right spirit. Whenever you are feeling impatient or irritable, go away by yourself and find that inner peace and stillness and all will become harmony and peace once again.7 June 2019
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    Guidance received by Eileen CaddyKeep Life SimpleKeep life as simple as possible and enjoy to the full the simple wonders and beauties which are there for all to share but which are often taken for granted. Be like a child, able to see and enjoy those little seemingly insignificant wonders in life: the beauty of a flower, the song of a bird, the glory of the sunrise, the rain drops trickling down a window pane. How simple and yet how truly beautiful they are when you look at them with eyes that really see and cease to rush through life in such a hurry that you fail to notice them! Do you see my wonders and beauties all around you? Or is your mind so full of the cares and worries of the day that you are blind and deaf and bowed down, and you see nothing for you are so wrapped up in yourself? Why not try today to keep ever aware of all that is going on around you?29 March 2019Love Eileen Caddy
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    Guidance received by Eileen CaddyLong to Do the Right ThingWhen you long to do the right thing and take the right path, you will do so. You must be strong to be able to withstand the temptations which may beset your way and recognise them for what they are. Every temptation overcome gives you a deeper inner strength and stability, making you able to face anything without wavering. My ways are very strange, but remember that I see the whole of the picture, whereas you only see such a small portion of it. I see all the actors in the play of life; you only see the ones nearest at hand. One by one I point the way to them, and they follow it and take their part in the whole vast overall plan; and so the plan unfolds in true perfection. Watch it unfold, and glory in the wonder of it. Accept it all with a full and grateful heart, and see my hand in all that is taking place.19 October 2018Love Eileen Caddy
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    You Are In This World to Bring Good Into ItYou are in this world to bring good into it. You are here to radiate love, light and wisdom to all those souls in need. You have work to do, and you can do this work only when you have sorted yourself out and can become one with the whole, when you no longer stand apart and criticise and separate yourself from the whole. Do you feel at one with all those souls around you? Do you feel at peace with the world, or are your thoughts conflicting, critical and destructive? Always remember, love, joy and happiness create the right atmosphere and draw all those souls of like mind together. So watch yourself, and start right now drawing only the very best to you. You can change your whole attitude and outlook in the twinkling of an eye. Why not do it? Get into tune with all life, and find that peace which passes all understanding.08 March 2019
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    Guidance received by Eileen CaddyMany PathsThere may be many paths, but the goal is the same in each. You are absolutely free to choose your own path!19 October 2018
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    Guidance received by Eileen CaddyBuilding Your FaithThe way to build up faith is by taking small steps, and then bigger ones until your faith is so strong that you can take great leaps into the unknown4 January 2019Love Eileen Caddy
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    Guidance received by Eileen CaddySee My Hand in All that is Taking PlaceSee my hand in all that is taking place. It is my pleasure to give you the kingdom, not tomorrow or some time, but today. Can you accept that anything can happen today?30 November 2018Love Eileen CaddyGuidance received by Eileen CaddySee my hand in all that is taking place. It is my pleasure to give you the kingdom, not tomorrow or some time, but today. Can you accept that anything can happen today?30 November 2018Love Eileen Caddy
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    Guidance received by Eileen CaddyLove, Love, LoveThe free flow of My universal love knows no discrimination, it is the same for each and everyone.Love is the greatest uniting factor in the universe, so love, love, love.23 November 2018Love Eileen Caddy
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    Guidance received by Eileen CaddyThere Are Many Facets To A DiamondTake time to be alone with Me, take time to expand your consciousness, take time to understand what is happening and brush nothing aside. There are many facets to a diamond and there are as many facets to My work and every facet is necessary. Therefore be willing to accept every facet as part of the universal whole and never close your heart and mind to something because you do not understand it yourself and find it difficult to accept. Be very flexible and open and see how every soul holds a tiny part of the overall plan in their hands when their lives are dedicated to Me and to My plan, and they seek to have their part revealed to them.16 November 2018
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    Guidance received by Eileen CaddyStart With YourselfWithout love, life becomes barren and fruitless but with love it grows and flourishes. Love is a two-way thing, a giving and receiving. Never sit there expecting to be loved without giving love. The more love you pour out the more you will receive. So when you feel the lack of love, look within yourselves and see where and how you can love more and as you do something about it, love will come pouring in filling your whole life and then going out and out into the lives of others. Shoulder your responsibilities and cease looking at the other people expecting them to change. Do something about it and start with yourself. Put your own house in order and see what happens.28 September 2018
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    Guidance received by Eileen CaddyIn Absolute Quietness And Confidence You Will KnowTake time to be still, take time to listen to My still small voice. Never be satisfied with anything less. My voice is there for all to hear when they learn to become still and listen. Get into that direct contact with Me and leave all else behind. In this way you will not become part of the terrible chaos and confusion, which is rampant in the world at this time, but in absolute quietness and confidence you will know exactly where you are going and nothing and no-one will be able to drag you off that path.14 September 2018Love Eileen Caddy
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    Vägledning mottagen av Eileen CaddyDen perfekta väntar där på digJag säger att du aldrig accepterar näst bästa över någonting. Det vore bäst att utplåna någon medioker bild helt och börja sedan återuppbygga den perfekta med min hjälp och vägledning. Jag berättar att det inte är nödvändigt att acceptera näst bästa när det perfekta väntar där på dig. Begränsning är i ditt eget medvetande. Förverkliga detta och börja, expandera ditt medvetande just nu tills det finns inga begränsningar, inga restriktioner.När du önskar något väldigt djupt och finner den lusten som du trycker i ditt medvetande hela tiden, kan du vara säker på att förr eller senare kommer denna önskan att besvaras. Därför måste varje önskan, varje behov, vägledas och ha mitt kännetecken och min välsignelse så att du bara drar det allra bästa för dig. Se först det allra bästa, om det behövs, fortsätt att måla den bilden i ditt sinne tills den är perfekt. Du kan göra det med människor, med situationer, med allting.07 augusti 2018

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