You Are In This World to Bring Good Into ItYou are in this world to bring good into it. You are here to radiate love, light and wisdom to all those souls in need. You have work to do, and you can do this work only when you have sorted yourself out and can become one with the whole, when you no longer stand apart and criticise and separate yourself from the whole. Do you feel at one with all those souls around you? Do you feel at peace with the world, or are your thoughts conflicting, critical and destructive? Always remember, love, joy and happiness create the right atmosphere and draw all those souls of like mind together. So watch yourself, and start right now drawing only the very best to you. You can change your whole attitude and outlook in the twinkling of an eye. Why not do it? Get into tune with all life, and find that peace which passes all understanding.08 March 2019
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