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Welcome to the Global Pop Era! This site is the newest hippest Arts and Entertainment site on the web! Come in and get popped!
The Fantastic Four - Melissa Minners reviews the soundtrack of the 2015 reboot of the Fantastic Four movie franchise.Excerpt: "...The Fantastic Four reboot did not receive a very good reception in the box office. In fact, the movie tanked, but that was in no way caused by the musical score. Moreover, I believe the score created by the composing team of Beltrami and Glass may be the shining light in the disaster that was the film..." For more of this article, visit www.g-pop.net/fantasticfour.htm
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The Champions - Melissa Minners reviews a documentary about the dogs rescued from Michael Vick's illegal dog-fighting compound.Excerpt:: "I think the pit bull terrier breed gets a bad rap. I lived in an apartment next door to where my landlord's mother kept her pit bull and never worried about this dog. Named Skippy, this white pit bull wagged his tail vigorously from the first day he met me and we were best of friends for the rest of his life...That's why I took a special interest in The Champions, a documentary about the dogs rescued from Michael Vick's dog fighting compound...." For more of this article, visit www.g-pop.net/thechampions.htm
Show moreThe Riot Club - Melissa Minners reviews the soundtrack about a club of elite Oxford students gone wrong.
Excerpt: "...As you listen to The Riot Club Soundtrack, you will find that it really doesn't clue you in on what this movie is about. Unless you have already seen the film, you will never understand the mix..." For more of this article, visit www.g-pop.net/riotclub.htm
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Birds of Prey: A Return to Hell: Part 6 - The sixth part of a Birds of Prey fan fiction set some time after the television series.Excerpt: "Disclaimer and Other Information: It should be noted that all of the characters and many of the locales in this fan fiction are not mine. They are owned by The WB. This fan fiction is somewhat of an homage to the series, though I have used a little liberty here with events. The story takes place some time after No Kill Policy, so if you haven't read that particular fanfic, I suggest you do before reading this one. Warning: Parts of this fanfic may be graphic at times. Reader's discretion is advised. I hope you enjoy..." For more of this story, visit www.g-pop.net/returnhell6.htm
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Justice League: Gods and Monsters - Melissa Minners reviews the soundtrack of a Justice League animated film set in an alternate universe.Excerpt: "...The music found on the Justice League: Gods and Monsters Soundtrack is quite dark, reflecting the presence of these alternate versions of our heroes..." For more of this article, visit www.g-pop.net/jlgodsmonsters.htm
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Lies Chelsea Handler Told Me - Melissa Minners reviews a book about Chelsea Handler's exploits and pranks written by her friends and family.Excerpt: "Chelsea Handler is a stand-up comedian, talk show host and actress with quite the interesting sense of humor. My friends know me well - I can be quite the practical joker and used to be very good at pranking folks...back when the world was much less sensitive and sue-happy. Thus, to follow up the last book I read written by Chelsea (Are You There, Vodka? It's Me Chelsea), one of my friends decided to send me Lies That Chelsea Handler Told Me, a book written by Chelsea's Family, Friends and Other Victims..." For more of this article, visit www.g-pop.net/lieschelsea.htm
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On Your Feet! - Melissa Minners reviews the Original Cast Recording of the new Broadway musical about Gloria and Emilio Estefan.Excerpt: "...Years later, I love all kinds of music, but I still enjoy listening to Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine. I was ecstatic to hear that a new musical was being made about the band’s founders Gloria and Emilio Estefan, featuring music from their vast repertoire. I was even more excited when I was given the opportunity to review the soundtrack..." For more of this article, visit www.g-pop.net/onyourfeet.htm
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White Bird in a Blizzard - Melissa Minners reviews a psychological thriller starring Shailene Woodley, Eva Green and Chris Meloni.Excerpt:: "I love reviewing soundtracks for G-POP.net - I get introduced to so many different movies that I may never have heard of had I not received the soundtrack. Thus was the case with White Bird in a Blizzard. After listening to the soundtrack and researching the film, I decided this one might be worth checking out. Finding myself with time on my hands, I figured today was the day..." For more of this article, visit www.g-pop.net/whitebirdblizzardmovie.htm
Show moreIt's flashback Friday at G-POP.net! Enjoy!Thundering Mantis - www.g-pop.net/thunderingmantis.htmAn Inconvenient Truth - www.g-pop.net/inconvenienttruth.htmAny Day Now - www.g-pop.net/anydaynow.htm
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Rosewater - Melissa Minners reviews the soundtrack of a Jon Stewart film based on a true story.Excerpt: "...Listening to the Rosewater score, I found myself somewhat confused. I had listened to musical scores of films set in the same locale and was surprised that the only moments I was keyed into the fact that this movie was set in Iran were the music tracks New Bloom, Vagheyi and the song Ye Baade Khonak..." For more of this article, visit www.g-pop.net/rosewater.htm
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Birds of Prey: A Return to Hell: Part 5 - The fifth part of a Birds of Prey fan fiction set some time after the television series.Excerpt: "Disclaimer and Other Information: It should be noted that all of the characters and many of the locales in this fan fiction are not mine. They are owned by The WB. This fan fiction is somewhat of an homage to the series, though I have used a little liberty here with events. The story takes place some time after No Kill Policy, so if you haven't read that particular fanfic, I suggest you do before reading this one. Warning: Parts of this fanfic may be graphic at times. Reader's discretion is advised. I hope you enjoy..." For more of this story, visit www.g-pop.net/returnhell5.htm
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Flesh and Bone Soundtrack and Ballet EP - Melissa Minners reviews the soundtrack and ballet EP of the STARZ television series.Excerpt: "...The series has inspired both a soundtrack and a ballet EP. The musical score found on the Flesh and Bone Soundtrack was created by American composer Dave Porter...The thirteen minute ballet sequence was scored by American composer Adam Crystal..." For more of this article, visit www.g-pop.net/flesh&bone.htm
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Love Canal - Melissa Minners reviews a book about the toxic disaster known as Love Canal, from past to present.Excerpt: "When I was a kid, I could remember hearing about the toxic dump site that made everyone sick in upstate New York...to date, I have heard very little about Love Canal, despite this location and the toxicity uncovered helped spark an environmental revolution. When I saw Love Canal: A Toxic History from Colonial Times to the Present was available for review, I couldn't wait to read it..." For more of this article, visit www.g-pop.net/lovecanal.htm
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Forza Motorsport 6 - Melissa Minners reviews the soundtrack of the X-Box One racing game.Excerpt: "...The music of Forza Motorsport 6 combines electronic and orchestral sound. Recorded with a ninety piece orchestra and cutting edge digital programming the Forza Motorsport 6 Soundtrack features almost ninety minutes of adrenaline pumping music with heroic horns, fast-paced strings and heavy percussion setting the action pace..." For more of this article, visit www.g-pop.net/forzamotorsport6.htm
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The Walking Dead: Compendium Three - Melissa Minners reviews the third collection of Walking Dead comic books.Excerpt:: "Now that I was all caught up with The Walking Dead and Season 6 was finally over, I decided I would do some catching up where the comic book series is concerned. So, I picked up a copy of The Walking Dead: Compendium Three containing issues 97-144 of the comic book series that inspired the television show..." For more of this article, visit www.g-pop.net/walkingdeadcompendium3.htm
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It's Flashback Friday at G-POP.net! Enjoy!
Animal Farm - www.g-pop.net/animalfarm.htm
Mort - www.g-pop.net/mort.htm
Back to You - www.g-pop.net/backtoyou.htm
Welcome to the Global Pop Era! This site is the newest hippest Arts and Entertainment site on the web! Come in and get popped!
Jessabelle - Melissa Minners reviews the soundtrack of the paranormal thriller set in the bayou of Louisiana.Excerpt: "...The musical score of Jessabelle is mainly what anyone would expect from a horror film. Pianos and strings unite in a morose score riddled with scary horror cues like screeching violins, haunting female vocals, disjointed sounds, electronic outbursts and more..." For more of this article, visit www.g-pop.net/jessabelle.htm
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