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USHQ: Stage? We don't need no stinkin' stage! Gin cutting it up at Showtime's Premiere Party for Ray Donovan. Not sure where Liev Schreiber is during the mayhem
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HUGE THANKYOU to Outward Sound for awarding me a grant of cash money
today so I can keep touring to play for all you lovely folks around the
world. Thankyou NZ Music Commission, you're the best! www.scoop.co.nz/stories/CU1306/S00260/outward-sound-recipients-round-2-2013.htm
If you're looking for our merch tent today, it
looks like this. Yes, duct tape is practically keeping this thing
alive, and Yes, it looks like the most ghetto tent of all the bands, but
once you get there you will see the merch items are some of the most
exquisite top quality items in all the lands...
Wanna be cool like this guy? Get yourself down to my merch tent and get one of these hot ticket items quick sticks!
Show moreVimeo is the home for high-quality videos and the people who love them.
US HQ: Here's a little taster of what to
expect from Gin & her band on the road - "Man Like That" & "One
Last Look" from a recent show in Zurich, Switzerland (don't miss the
guitar insanity that starts around the 6 minute mark) vimeo.com/64871111
You Oughta Know's Gin Wigmore gets felt up by the ghost of Edgar Allen Poe and more on a ghost tour through New York City.
US HQ: Is Edgar Allen Poe an ass groper? These and more questions from beyond answered... www.vh1.com/music/tuner/2013-05-31/gin-wigmore-ghost-tour-part-2/
Show moreVimeo is the home for high-quality videos and the people who love them.
EU HQ: Check out Gin & the band performing "Black Sheep" in Zurich, Switzerland. Diese band ist hot shit!! vimeo.com/64871110
Show moreUS HQ: Check out Pt. 1 of Gin's "Ghost Tour"
of NYC - buried bodies in the park, hangings from a tree, and Houdini's
handcuff's at a legendary bar...www.vh1.com/video/interview/gin-wigmore/913070/gin-wigmore-ghost-tours-nyc-part-1.jhtml?xrs=playershare_fb
UK HQ: Check out this preview from Attitude magazine, next issue out in a few weeks attitude.co.uk/viewers/viewcontent.aspx?contentid=3328&catid=culture&subcatid=music&longtitle=GIN+WIGMORE
Show moreYou Oughta Know obsession Gin Wigmore travelled solo through South America for 10 months after ditching her school exchange program.
"I reckon if I was in jail, I'd be able to escape..." www.vh1.com/music/tuner/2013-05-27/gin-wigmores-argentina-you-oughta-know/
Show moreWho would singer-songwriter Gin Wigmore tour with if the roster were her call?
Pat Benatar, where are you? www.vh1.com/music/tuner/2013-05-24/gin-wigmore-pat-benatar-you-oughta-know/
Show moreUs Yanks were slow to catch onto the brilliance of Gin Wigmore, but her sophomore album ages like fine wine.
US HQ: “If anything it’s gotten kind of stronger, I know the personalities in those songs more.” www.vh1.com/music/tuner/2013-05-18/gin-wigmore-takes-on-us/
Show moreVH1 talks to Gin about "tackling America" www.vh1.com/video/misc/908187/gin-wigmore-is-ready-to-tackle-america.jhtml
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