  • Classic - Life as I see it. Mix Photo
    "In a world where polar bears die and guys wear pants off their butts,you have to have one person to look to so everything seems right"
  • Classic - Life as I see it. Mix Photo
    "LIfe gives you math problems....and thats when you cheat off the person next to you"
  • Classic - Life as I see it. Mix Photo
    "For every sane person in the world, there as to be one insane person or the world wouldnt be so great"
  • Classic - Life as I see it. Mix Photo
    "So when its cold outside we leave our jackets behind and dare eachother to see how long we can last in the cold"
  • Classic - Life as I see it. Mix Photo
    "Where there is a lie, there is a truth...just have to have someone to help you find it"
  • Classic - Life as I see it. Mix Photo
    "Sophistication is the key to good life"
  • Classic - Life as I see it. Mix Photo
    "Angels. all they talk about are princesses and playing school. But thats what we love about them"
  • Classic - Life as I see it. Mix Photo
    "If something doesnt happen the way you want to, join band"
  • Classic - Life as I see it. Mix Photo
    "& when life gives you bicycles, you ride them in a circle all summer then cry when you have to part"
  • Classic - Life as I see it. Mix Photo
    As band kids we stand around...talking about use-less things...and laughing because we realize that what we're talking about is pretty g
  • Classic - Life as I see it. Mix Photo
    I call this one "Flower with purpose"
  • Classic - Life as I see it. Mix Photo
    "Football stands will always hold a memory to us."
  • Classic - Life as I see it. Mix Photo
    Crazy hair. Silly smile. Crappy picture. Yeah...that's me. (It was a crazy hair day. :D )
  • Classic - Life as I see it. Mix Photo
    "Stealing boyfriends? that's not something we do. Already had your boyfriend and know how bad he is, that's what we do."
  • Classic - Life as I see it. Mix Photo
    "Sometimes even the brightess of minds need a little help."

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