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After all what is it that you can take with you when you die? Gold i think not who wants to bring Pavement as the streets will be paved with gold. What matters is relationships those we know, knew and will know. Those we have lead to The KING JESUS the CHRIST, Those we prayed for, Those we have given to when giving HURTS. i don't know about you but when i stand there on that day the words i want to hear are "Well Done Good And Faithful Servant"
Show moreJESUS the CHRIST, the SON of GOD, GOD incarnate, Fully GOD and fully man, Lived according to the scriptures, a spotless LAMB, was sacrificed on the Cross to redeem man, died was buried and rose alive on the third day as LORD, PRIEST, and KING, the only true, living GOD to all! Friend to those who believe and receive HIM! He has gone to prepare an everlasting place for his friends. JESUS wants a relationship with you and to help you with everyday stuff. To anyone who doesn't know JESUS plz! Plz! pick up a Bible and start reading. All you have to do is, in the privacy of your own mind jsut between you and GOD ask him to come into your heart!
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