...I am so tired of this loss...the messages lost from this page!!!...they are precious to me... MY SPACE...THE COMPANY...YOU BETTER GIVE THEM BACK...THOSE MESSAGES ARE NOT!!! YOURS I am her cousin and I guess you will be, perhaps talking to my lawyers. ...all who read this...please pass it on...there are no #'s for me to call and remedy this situation. ...but MySpace beware...she left the site to me to be a fan page...you have no rights to the content...especially since the inception of this site was before any usage "clause" that presumed to give you any rights to our personsl messages. And if it was mentioned and looking at the rest of your... well...legally. ..not sure that would stand up in court. ...just like "wiretaps"...please...In kindness, and good consciousness. ..return the communication files to this site. ..j
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