juice huh wadup
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juice huh wadup
Show moreI'm currently working for a financial firm here in Greenbelt, MD and my company is going through a rapid hiring phase within the next few months. My manager wanted me personally recommend people that I may know and I feel as though my good deed for the day is to pass this information along to anybody that may be in need of work. We currently have positions open for the following basic qualifications.
•Customer service or management experience
•18 years of age or older
•No felonies
•Working within an office setting and business professional environment
If you feel as thought you may meet the qualifications please inbox me your name and number and my manager will contact you.
P.S- Please be mindful that we receive numerous amounts of inquiries about the position so will be contact you within 1-2 business days.
I'm currently working for a financial firm here in Greenbelt, MD and my company is going through a rapid hiring phase within the next few months. My manager wanted me personally recommend people that I may know and I feel as though my good deed for the day is to pass this information along to anybody that may be in need of work. We currently have positions open for the following basic qualifications.•Customer service or management experience •18 years of age or older•No felonies •Working within an office setting and business professional environmentIf you feel as thought you may meet the qualifications please inbox me your name and number and my manager will contact you.P.S- Please be mindful that we recieve numerous amounts of inquiries about the position so will be contact you within 1-2 business days
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