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Mabuhay! Thanks for the support! Hope you visit & like our facebook page : : Your Awesome! More power! You rule!!!
Show moreChaos NZ Metal Promotions. Purveyors of Heavy Metal in New Zealand
After a period of perceived silence during the icy grasp of winter has not been for nothing. Exordium Mors have been busy recording the debut album 'Apotheosis of Death' which is soon to be unleashed onto the masses as wolves to flesh. Expect voices made of steel, summoned from the grave, razor-sharp leads cutting sinew and bone, disemboweling bass lines and catastrophic bombardments. We are currently entering into the final stages of recording and mixing/mastering. Interested labels get in touch via
We are also pleased to announce that we will be playing Hellstorm of Fire and Chaos 2014 with the Mighty IMPIETY!
If you cannot wait that long to see Exordium Mors then you will find yourself fortuitous as we are also supporting BEHEMOTH! in Auckland during their upcoming tour of Australasia in little over a month.
Details for both shows available at
Expect total annihilation.
Hail Death. Hail Doom. Hail Destruction.
Wellington's death-throes are soon to be witnessed as Exordium Mors descends like rabid wolves for Desecration of the Capital 4
This will be a momentous occasion as we will be performing the entire 'Apotheosis of Death' epic exclusively for this set. This does not get played often in its entirety so make sure you are in attendance!Also playing are the Barbaric Denouncement Pyre and Thrash Maniacs 308 from Australia as well as a whole host of deadly local support bands including our brothers in arms Bulletbelt!'Unto the Lightning Swords of Conquest' forms the last part of the Apotheosis and this video should give you an idea of what to expect from this unholy sermon. the Apotheosis of Death - July 20th or suffer Hades!
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