  • Classic - Some Great Moments... Mix Photo
    Me and Joe Lovano playing at DFRH 12/10/07
  • Classic - Some Great Moments... Mix Photo
    me and my dad playing a gig together
  • Classic - Some Great Moments... Mix Photo
    Me and Greg Osby playing at the Green Mill, Chicago Illinois 9/22/07
  • Classic - Some Great Moments... Mix Photo
    eating great mexican food with the Yellowjackets
  • Classic - Some Great Moments... Mix Photo
    me, LVP, and Fiona Apple
  • Classic - NAMM 09 Mix Photo
    this is for all the people that think I look like him! LOL Hanging with Alain Caron
  • Classic - NAMM 09 Mix Photo
    After a great day of hanging with Had
  • Classic - NAMM 09 Mix Photo
    The Brothers
  • Classic - My New Photos Mix Photo
  • Classic - My New Photos Mix Photo
  • Classic - My New Photos Mix Photo
  • Classic - NAMM 09 Mix Photo
    shedding with matt garrison and etienne at the epifani booth
  • Classic - Promo Shoot #1 Mix Photo
    Photo by Tim O Bryan
  • Classic - Promo Shoot #1 Mix Photo
    Photo by Tim O Bryan
  • Classic - NAMM 09 Mix Photo
    my good friend Jovol Bell playing with Matt Garrison and Hadrien Feraud at the Markbass booth

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