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Ontario, CA
  • Everyone has an opinion of themselves... They feel they can handle their anger well. They feel they are mature, dependable, approachable, and so on and so forth. Adversity then comes along, and you’re tested. Some pass the test, others don’t... Realizing you’re not as strong as you thought you were isn’t the end of the world. It’s a wake up call. It’s a period of awareness. It’s life’s way of highlighting what you need to work on... The question is, will you take the hint, or continue lying to yourself?

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    Eddie Cartel

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      , Norwalk, CA · via mobile
  • The hardest choices in life aren’t between what’s right and what’s wrong but between what’s right and what’s best... I get up every morning and pace the room, as if I can leave my guilt behind me. But it tracks me as I walk, an ugly shadow made by myself.... So I always recognize all those people with the decaying hearts, who drag their feet through each day, with bleak-sadness in their eyes... You will find something to live for. I promise. We are all books because we have spines and stories to tell, and I'm down to proof-read.

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  • it’s funny how your future husband or wife is walking around on the earth right now... And your second husband or wife. And your third and fourth husband or wife... And that guy or girl that you live with for several years because all the divorces have destroyed you financially... Isn’t life amazing like that? Can't wait.

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  • Why marvel at the stars, when you are eternal? They were not made in the image and likeness of God. You were... Yeah them meteor showers can twerk in the sky all night. They came to visit us. How I see it. Or don't see it, cause I am trying to get mapquest directions into my own constellation of dreams.

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  • Everyone has an opinion of themselves... They feel they can handle their anger well. They feel they are mature, dependable, approachable, and so on and so forth. Adversity then comes along, and you’re tested. Some pass the test, others don’t... Realizing you’re not as strong as you thought you were isn’t the end of the world. It’s a wake up call. It’s a period of awareness. It’s life’s way of highlighting what you need to work on... The question is, will you take the hint, or continue lying to yourself?

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  • To hate another person because their action arises from ego is to hate yourself for anything you do that arises from ego... The very process of hating arises from the ego’s false belief that hating will place you above another person. Think about it.

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  • I'm sure you have been told that, like a chain, you are as weak as your weakest link... This is half the truth. You are also as strong as your strongest link... To measure you by your smallest deed is to recognize the power of the ocean by the frailty of its foam... To judge you by your failures is like blaming the seasons for their inconstancy.

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  • Nobody’s going to give you anything... You’ve got to go out and fight for it. Nobody knows what you want except for you. And nobody will be as sorry as you if you don’t get it. So don’t give up on your dreams. No one is going to RSVP to your pity party... Moral of the story, commence chaos, achieve your goals, and celebrate. You're a winner.

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