Standing AloneYou stand alone in a world of grey huesSepia colours; the colours most chooseFaded and ancient, hope seemingly goneSo little light in a world full of noneYet you stand alone, brilliant fine jadeA steadfast, right heart; never to fadeCalling for choices that so few seem to makeLeading the hard road, knowing souls are at stakeKnowing each one's pain, knowing each plightAlways knowing tomorow day will grow out of nightYou stand in the midst of the few who hear youEarnestly gracing each day with love’s emerald hueYou stand as a beacon calling for more to abideTo come out from the grey, to see no need to hideYou call to each one as you see their sad heartYou whisper a love song, that only you can impartKeep standing dear Lord as we all hear your voiceKeep calling our name until You are our choice
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