Well, it is Easter once again. God help us all. I weigh a whopping 135 and some change. I'm actually (of course I am) starting watching what I eat today. God knows I always have to start my diets on Holidays anyway in order to make them work. I think that is hilarious, but it is what it is. I'm on Faye's computer as we speak, just hanging out. Listening to Denise in the back ground fixing some type of casserole. They day started off dreary, but the sun has come out, so there are still hopes for the day after all. Faye has such a neat office, and then I think of how exactly mine looks. I always thought I would be a great business person, but as it turns out I was wrong about that also lol. But, I do very much like her key board. I wonder if I can find one like this on Amazon or nah. And of course, it is wireless. As is her mouse. I'll just have to buy my own.
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