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you hold my heart
You who are most cherished,
have said hello to the loneliness
within me, massaged the fear
from within and replenished my
you hold my heart
My greatest desire was to find
she who unlocked the love that resides in my own heart and teach me to love myself;
you hold my heart
Our greatest challenge as beings of this world is to understand the nature of self. A kindness shown is not forgotten;
you hold my heart
When the ripples of time cease for us as humans and we go to our next great adventure, if the mercies are immeasurable then a love made here will transcend to our next destination.
Not too shabby.
Show moreHey sweet Ivi, in my thoughts daily. Not necessary to mourn what you do not have. You are intelligent = sexy. You possess a deep sensitivity towards others. You have us. You have me. Hugs n luv
Show moreIn How Many Words
I endeavor to write for times sake,
perhaps what might be interpreted
as good choices or coming mistakes.
I need not as a literary giant if my
opinion matters, though some of
them tho' long gone forged the very foundation I strive to shatter.
Who, but, for a dedicated few step robustly with, or with drink nearby, work to shatter the standard but
mind numbing limitations of the literary elite. Who upon seeing the beauty or the tragedy placed upon pages might cry.
Accepted as the stiff necked dogma of years upon years of "this" way is the only way of expressing ideals; perhaps with pen or board slashing or beating the off norm of a students idea of branching out to open a new realm of creativity that is struggling for liberation. Deaf to spoken words and blind to printed beauty suppression is the only way to perform mass cruelty.
Like an evil regime drunk on its self induced power, forcing students to deny their love, their passion, as though the very word and movement of romance must die;
when a tender moment could well ignite a swell of love that might sweep the educational world and shatter like the busts before them old ways that when pulled from the shelves, drop dust as old as the works themselves.
Write when it suits you, when the fire of passion burns brightly, acknowledge and work to improve them. Let the World know that beauty is within and surrounding all of us. Turn words from dream to passion, to igniting the very ideals' that stoked the giants and caused a word revolution to become alive.
When I am gone
Don't pine for mewasting time with
thoughts that fail
to conjure up things
not yet endured
Give yourself all
opportunities to do
that which I know
so well while pushed
aside for lesser men
Keep your heart true
for your love you
hold dear and do
what mothers do to
help their love at hand
to succeed.
Blessed he is and with
his pride he will be strong and do well.
But what of us is there
a reason for our touching
hearts banter at work so
not to give more than
there is if it is at all
perhaps time will tell
if not sooner explained
than to again trouble a
heart seeking sleep.
Sleep deeply and rest well gentle spirit others stand guard this night over you and yours.Peace. Sweet dreams.
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