  • Appunti di Fonia, Elettronica e Midi + Links Utili

    Guida tecnica sul mondo della Fonia, Elettronica e Midi. Il libro tratta anche di effettistica, Campionamento suoni, Fisica Acustica e molto altro ancora, incluse curiosità e collegamenti ipertestuali (in inglese hyperlinks o semplicemente links) per scaricare gratuitamente documenti e guide in formato PDF e links diretti a siti specializzati sull’argomenti trattati da questa guida digitale.

    You can buy my ebook here: After much work is finally ready my digital guide about the world of sound engineer, midi, physical-acoustics, electronics and much more.Needless to say, the guide is written totally in my language: ITALIAN.However there are several free online services that allow the translation in your language, one of these is that SDL supports many formats such as: doc (x), .ppt (x), .xls (x), .odt, .pdf , .xml, .htm, .html and .txt reached on this url: am very happy with this my first job "literary" and I hope you like it too, good read!

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