  • Classic - stuff Mix Photo
    im gonna smack you in tha freggin crotch
  • Classic - stuff Mix Photo
    this is my mom, say ONE momma joke and i will kill you
  • Classic - stuff Mix Photo
    i love my fender shirt
  • Classic - stuff Mix Photo
  • Classic - stuff Mix Photo
    thats my boy snoop he so small
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    what a jackass
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    isnt he adorable
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    this is the get off the couch look
  • Classic - stuff Mix Photo
    thats me and my breothers tyler and beijan
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    o dam stylin in my badass hat
  • Classic - stuff Mix Photo
    thats one of my SIX dogs
  • Classic - drawings Mix Photo
    ima get a tattoo of the warrior logo! tis so badass
  • Classic - drawings Mix Photo
    thats all about the marines babey! YEHA
  • Classic - drawings Mix Photo
    harvey pekar
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    D bag

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