I've been away for a while, though I have contributed to the latest Yen Pox release, here is what Michael of YP had to say about it..."In the early days of composing for the new album, the sound seemed to be
lacking something, that human (yet unearthly and inhuman) quality we
attempt in our music, to avoid it sounding lifeless and sterile. Subtle
vocal elements are a favorite tool of ours in achieving this, and we
wanted a bit more of that this time, but weren't really up to task of
creating some of these sounds ourselves, to our satisfaction.
Fortunately we were acquainted with ambient chanteuse Dark Muse, who
generously provided us with a plethora of vocal drones to use, abuse,
loop and layer in our fashion. Her vocalisms ended up prominently on at
least half the album tracks, and are a big part of what makes this our
best (we think) album yet. This would be a much different beast without
her contribution, and we certainly appreciate it."