Crushing Your Brains Underfoot -EP | Lawrence Wise And The Cosmic Funk Orchestra / OSMOSIS
Crushing Your Brains Underfoot -EP by OSMOSIS, releases 28 July 2016 1. Crushing Your Brains Underfoot -single 2. Crushing Your Brains Underfoot -extended single 3. Crushing Your Brains Underfoot -instrumental 4. Crushing Your Brains Underfoot -reprise This EP will contain the Radio-Size Single and the Extended Version of the Single, as well as the Album Instrumental. It will be ready for Summer 2016 as the follow-up to the "YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED WORLD" Album.
BRAND NEW from OSMOSIS--"Crushing Your Brains Underfoot"lawrencewiseandthecosmicfunkorchestraosmosis.bandcamp.com/album/crushing-your-brains-underfoot-ep
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