Hey Donnayou must excuse me I have not writtenbut it seems like myspace went on its ownmyspace trip as it own. Anyway how are you and Jim? I hope much better then me. I dont mean to be rude but I may not have long at all to live I need a lung transplant so very bad but so I can get on the list until l have all my teeth removed because they are the number one place where people get a infection. So we Tee and I have held shoe drives all kinds of things but now I am in the hospital and I am in the fight of my life please tell everyone youknow to go to www.giveforward.com and enter the name kelly Kirkland and donate what they can no amount is to small and they can even give me a hug with some kind of words of support.this is a cry from help. I hate that I am doing this but is it a shame but I love life so much and I want to live. thanks donna'we thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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