  • Classic - this is me... Mix Photo
    we've pretty much proved the theory that opposites attract. (May 09)
  • Classic - this is me... Mix Photo
    he said 'I love you' I laughed and said 'hah. sorry. I'm alergic to bullshit' (Dec. 09)
  • Classic - this is me... Mix Photo
    I look at myslef everyday in the mirror and try to decide if today is going ot be a good day, or a bad one. (Dec. 09)
  • Classic - this is me... Mix Photo
    never regret anything that once made you smile. (Nov. 09)
  • Classic - this is me... Mix Photo
    crazy? yeah. you won't forget me. ;) (Dec. 25th)
  • Classic - this is me... Mix Photo
    the worst thing about being lied to is knowing that you weren't worth the truth. (Dec. 09)
  • Classic - this is me... Mix Photo
    not all scars show. not all wounds heal. sometimes you can't always see the pain that someone feels. (Nov. 09)
  • Classic - this is me... Mix Photo
    every second of the day you never know who'se falling in love with your smile. (Nov. 09)
  • Classic - this is me... Mix Photo
    my pen could only write your name, you were filling ever page. so fast. (Nov. 09)
  • Classic - this is me... Mix Photo
    I saw you walking in the streets. don't look this way love please. (Dec. 09)
  • Classic - this is me... Mix Photo
    I saw faded mirrors and dim reflections but you shined so much brighter. (Feb. 4th)
  • Classic - this is me... Mix Photo
    it hurts when I need u it culd kill if I ever leave u. so for now I just want u in my dreams. we can work on our imperfect scheme. (Feb.2nd)
  • Classic - this is me... Mix Photo
    we all wear a mask that hides who we really are.
  • Classic - this is me... Mix Photo
    he's the reason for never giving up. (I love my godson) (July 26th)
  • Classic - this is me... Mix Photo

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