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Amlin, OH
  • The people you once thought and yet still think are your friends just ignore you and avoid you and only when they need you will they come to you and when you have friends that care for you and you dont really aknowledge them they come to you when you need em most.... fucking hate this thought but it is how it is

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  • I noticed that in wizard of oz the scarecrow gets a brain, the tin man gets a heart, the lion gets courage and dorthy "goes home".....
    What if in real life the wizard made the lion kill dorthy giving the lion courage and then took dorthy's heart and brain to the tin man and the scarecrow....
    What if these thoughts all build up to explaining the govt. Taking from everyone even a young farm girl explaining the innocence of america and then the scarecrow tin man and lion being manipulative corporate offices taking our brain through media our hearts meaning emotion and sense with technology and our courage with the rest meaning polotics, war, and the end of our world...
    It may sound insane but think about it....
    Ooooooorrrrrr it could just be that im high af haha

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  • It's funny how before every one said "you can count on me for anything" I would tell them the same and once I did my part of the deal everyone just quit whatever right fucking selfish ass people in the world man that's why I'm not needed anymore and don't wana live anymore Fuck all of you when you're being hypocrites at a grave of someone you don't even know saying he was my best friend or why would he do this just recap everything all your actions haha lates- 2 DUHB'K

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  • Fuck all of you, none are worth my time, blown through my cash smokin on a dime,
    Soon enough god will send me to the deathly pit, soon enough I will live life with no regret
    (Yeah)I am a sinner, and bitch I am a grinner, Fuck all you bitches all you want is a winner(x2)
    Lord forgive me, I tried to sell ma soul again, not to you but to the one they call satan, Sike* I don't believe in you, I don't believe in him, so Fuck all of you again
    True to my friends who stay true to me, I don't trust no one but ma famaly
    I'm sitin in my room spillin this misspelled rap, and still at school takin everyone's crap
    Every one at tolles calls me border jump, cuz I'm illegal, they think im a chump
    It's ok, I guess you could say, especially cuz I'm not made in the USA
    (Yeah) I am a sinner and bitch I am a grinner, Fuck all you bitches all you want is a winner (x2)
    Born in MEX and then passed through checks, all we ever did was just wait for who's nex, finally got across and flew over TEX
    Mom and dad did the best for us,me wendy Brenda and the baby on bus, dad tried his best 3 jobs all on bust and momma did too she really was the bus ha*
    (Yeah) I am a sinner and bitch I am a grinner, Fuck all you bitches all you want is a winner(x4) (fading).......
    - 2duhb'K

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  • Stittin in my room blazin weed and feenin slide a knife through my veins as I talk to a demon click clack I hear the sound of a trigger wishin it was me who took the bullet from the nigger takin cocaine and lines of meth low key freaking out cuz I'm talkin to death sock him in the face escape his touch live an other day just to have a gud munch popin 3 pills of sexy blue diamond feelin really trippy cuz I'm blazin with Simon Sike I'm just pullin on your nuts I'm all by my self talkin to the top shelf killin time here just before I take off flying like a fucken child ima run off crying what ever Fuck life as it is take my whole baggie dump it out then sniff really that is how I wana die od on some honey and begin to fly end of story now I'm going to sleep don't want to wake up cuz its better when I dream

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  • Stittin in my room blazin weed and feenin slide a knife through my veins as I talk to a demon click clack I hear the sound of a trigger wishin it was me who took the bullet from the nigger takin cocaine and lines of meth low key freaking out cuz I'm talkin to death sock him in the face escape his touch live an other day just to have a gud munch popin 3 pills of sexy blue diamond feelin really trippy cuz I'm blazin with Simon Sike I'm just pullin on your nuts I'm all by my self talkin to the top shelf killin time here just before I take off flying like a fucken child ima run off crying what ever Fuck life as it is take my whole baggie dump it out then sniff really that is how I wana die od on some honey and begin to fly end of story now I'm going to sleep don't want to wake up cuz its better when I dream

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