I wish I wasn't me anymore. I wish I still made you happy I fell like you love to hate me instead of just loving me. I am not a good person and everyone makes sure to tell me how much of a fuck up I am. I'm sorry for being me. I am trying my best but it's not good enough. I wish I could just be done
As I fell the world is out to get me.. I fell I try and figure things out I fell everything is an attach or doesn't come across right I fell there is war in my body and mind I fell so alone in my fellings but yet want to push it all away I don't know what is right I fell like I fight myself and when I me no one likes me but when I keep my mouth shut and act like everything is good then everyone is happy I fell like I can't be maybe no one knows me or even cares it's hard to fell safe when fell them looking at you the way you do everything hurts nothing fells right o don't know what is going on with me maybe something's wrong with me I don't even know how are you suppose to know I want to shut out everyone and everything that way I don't have to see the pain I cause I'm tired of felling so heart less I fell there is know emotion or words that will explain anything I fell dead in side but yet so alive I'm so lost someone please help me
I so don't want to be here any more. Who would even relize I'm gone no one because to them I'm already gone. They don't call text or even say hey anymore. I just want to fade into then wind so know can see me anymore. Have my ashes fall so people can walk all over me. They do it know already but at least then I won't feel the pain anymore I'm tired of crying tired of feeling alone broken and tired of all the crap that happens. Why do you hate me why don't you see that I really don't mean to hurt people I don't always think everything out I don't always make great choices I just want to show love and be happy
I really wish my heart was not so heavy I can't hardly breath right now it hurts me so bad not sure how to fill about anything any more I don't know if I'm really worth all this anymore everyone hates me I don't even know why I am so Cunfussed sometimes I just fill like I will ever make the choices the right way
I hate baby mommas and I hate the fact you don't care enough about your child to see that she loves her dad and wants to spend more time with him you took her out of his life for 7 years but yet you don't give a shit
I wish I understood why you lie all the time. Why you steal why you think life is not going to be any better. I try all the time but I want to pull my hair out...
I don't know why I'm the way I am I fill like no one really see my heart breaking I fill so alone and so confused I don't know why I'm so hateful but it's my problem and gets me in trouble all the time