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    Had an amazing honeymoon woth my man!! Did miss the kids tho!! Love you so much, so glad to be your wife and a very big thank you to the Carters for looking after our angels!! πŸ˜˜πŸ’–πŸ”πŸŒ xxxxxxxx Roll on June!!
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    Look at this beaut Renesmee 13 then and tomorrow turning 16 she has turned into a lovely young women and has learnt so much in the short time she has had. She is so good with her younger siblings and helps out so much! Tomorrow is all about you so sit back and relax and enjoy the me time! Love ya to pieces hunni xxxx
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    Oliver even though you live with your biological mother we still love you even though we are not allowed to see you! Xxx
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    Can't believe Cassie is gonna be 2 in November it seems so unreal how time flies by! She is growing up so fast bless her little heart! And the bond between Nessie and Cassie is just amazing that girl helps us out a lot with Cas! Xxx
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    Kaitlyn she is just amazing bless her! Love her forever I couldn't wish for anyone better than the 6 I have (5 live with us) xxx
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    Proud of my beauty for getting her role in Oliver and portraying Lucy Pevensie in Narnia! Mel is only 10 and already reaching stardom! Love ya xxx
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    Our Janet released her first single the other week 'wonderful' she is our oldest and yet still so young! My kids mean everything to me! Xxx
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    Renesmee Cullen our beautiful daughter! I cannot believe how grown up she is! Managing all of Kitty Cullen Studio on her own! What a grown up young lady she is and I love her with all my heart! Xxx
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    My man means the world to me! He has no idea what it feels like to be around the love of my life and be the mother of his children! Yes I know they are not mine but their mother disowned them when they chose to live with Edward!! I don't want to sound rude but I'm glad they chose him cause now they are my life and family and I could not love without them!! Our family is forever!! Xxxxx
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