Current and future Music supervisors and creators in need of music this is the new link for all licensing and clearance for Netto instrumentals and music sound tracks.

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Current and future Music supervisors and creators in need of music this is the new link for all licensing and clearance for Netto instrumentals and music sound tracks.
Check the new animated film based on video game cinematic cutscenes and game play from my Diamond’s Experiment video game /animated film
Also sound track on iTunes
Hot instrumental music for an affordable price
Calling all artists check the link on airbit
.com for non exclusive license and I'll have
Exclusive licenses soon
Produced by BARRY NETTO
Original scores for video games available on the Unreal Engine - epic market place composed by Barry Netto. Playstation 4,Xbox one and all major and independent developers license your sound tracks today royalty free and original composed by Barry Netto.
Show morePlaystation 4,Xbox one and all platform creators and publishers Science Fiction Scores is available for license on the Epic/ unreal market place composed by Barry Netto
- for custom scores exclusive contact me direct here,email or face book and we can compose exclusive new music just for your games and films.
connected to Zen Matychak and Auliq International
· via mobileGame developer,App creators and film makers license your copy of science fiction scores,videogame symphonies and custom original music composed by Barry Netto. GAMEDEVMARKET
Science fiction album composed by Barry Netto available royalty free to use in your films,apps and videogame developer projects.
Non exclusive use.
For exclusive use prices start as low as $300 and range to $1000 for that you get the individual instruments and the whole music score and more all yours!!!
Diamond's Expeiment sound track on iTunes
️Short films on you tube preview
Feature film in production target for late 2016- early 2017 release
Scirra has approved dramatic score symphony composed by Barry Netto as well as graphics for games on sale in the scirra market place game makers and film creators grab your copy today I'll be working on exclusive music soon you'll the the tracks looped and solo all sounds and samples all yours I am composing it from the ground up stay tuned.
Show moreGame developers
Gamedevmarket has approved Dramatic score symphony and graphics composed and created by Barry Netto for sale in the video game and apps world
Gamedevmarket DRAMATIC SCORE SYMPHONY COMPOSED BY BARRY NETTO game and film music licensing for all media!!!
Show moreTurbo squid.com
Dramatic score symphony is available royalty free for use composed by Barry Netto I'll have many music scores and beats as well as 3d models and Graphics for sale low prices $$5 .
More stores to come soon
Instrumental album on iTunes and Amazon
Some on spotify too
Produced by Barry Netto
DIAMOND'S EXPERIMENT ️short film Intro backstory
tinyurl.com/zlwd77y frock
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