P.A.S.T. 6 Adventures in Ghost Hunting: The Adventure Begins (Volume 1): Charlotte Chaffin, Josh Deese, Amber Walters, Amber L. Walters: 9781502856388: Amazon.com: Books
P.A.S.T. 6 Adventures in Ghost Hunting: The Adventure Begins (Volume 1) [Charlotte Chaffin, Josh Deese, Amber Walters, Amber L. Walters] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. After a chance meeting of a reality TV ghost hunting team a group of teens decide they could do a better job. Jordan Sansom reluctantly agrees to the adventure of hunting ghosts. He has lived with his secret and hid it from everyone. Being a teen is hard enough without the added worry of people laughing at hi
My Spotlight Author of the week!! Charlotte Chaffin and her teen/YA novel. Check it out on Amazon!!
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