
Artist and director's boho-hip-hop is an audio-visual experience.

If a sound can be sleek and fizzy, loungey and hopping, and hypnotic and bouncy all at the same, that would be J Motor. The electropop artist from Australia makes soundscapes — which is apt, considering he’s not just a musician, but a creative director and producer as well. As a content creator, the audio-visual experience J Motor likes to present is something he calls “boho/hip-hop.” The epitome of this is the single “Jungle Daze,” which is featured on Bud Light's 'Are You Game Ready' NFL TV Spot. Break out the blunts while you're listening to the slinky track, which was recently remixed by producer Luke Million (whom you might know for his remix of the extended theme song of Netfilx show Stranger Things”). Enjoy.

Hometown and homebase: Sydney, but am looking to spend quite a bit of time in LA from next year, onwards.

Why do you call yourself J Motor?

J is my nickname, and the motor came from my determination I guess. It's not easy learning two crafts and trying to establish myself in both music and film at the same time. A lot of people have advised my to stick to one or the other over the years, but I pushed through and aligned myself with great people who have helped me get to where I want to be.

What's your songwriting process?

It kind of varies... most of the time i'll work on a beat and put together a song structure, then i'll work on vocal melodies before adding in keys/synths or anything like that. I may have some key lyrics then, but I usually hone in on the lyrics once I'm happy with the vocal melodies.

How did you know you wanted to be a musician? Did you grow up in a musical family?

My dad always used to play Led Zeppelin when I was a kid, so i guess I was lucky to have been surrounded by good music from a young age. It was probably in my early teen years when I became fascinated with creating music.

What inspired the single "Jungle Daze"?

I was inspired by the connections that humans have with animals. There's an understanding that transcends through verbal communication.. like when an animal can sense when you're happy, in pain, or otherwise. It's an amazing thing. The title really represents this level of connection and encourages all of us to be a little more in tune with ourselves so we can help each other.

What's a piece of musical gear that you can't live without?

I know this is not actually a piece of musical gear per se, but my iMac would be my fav piece of gear. It's a bit of a beast of a thing.. quad core and a few other cool specs, which allows me to work on both music and videos without any issues / lagging ... no spinning wheel of death etc. Having a machine that doesn't slow you down is essential!

Who are your musical heroes?

John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Oasis

What's the craziest thing a fan has ever done for you?

It's still early days for me so i can't say I've had an over-the-top fan moment, but I'm constantly blown away by people from all around the world who drop me a line and let me know how much they love the song, and how it makes them feel. This is what music is all about.

What do you like better, writing music or directing?

I love creating! At the moment, I'm loving songwriting. I'm working with a bunch of great writers in LA and Australia … writers who come from very different musical backgrounds, so it's been great to challenge each other and I've loved learning how other people work. Directing will always be a passion of mine, but for now, music is my focus.

How do you describe your music to people who haven't heard it before?

I'd say electronic, boho / indie, hip hop / pop. I don't really want to be put in a box. I want to make music that breaks genre barriers and connects with a wider audience. I think I've achieved that with "Jungle Daze."

If you were a hashtag, what would you be?


What’s your big bucketlist for the rest of 2016?

  • Next J Motor single in the bag
  • Make the most of the rest of my time in LA
  • Spend time with my fam for Christmas
  • Get ready for a big 2017!


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