This is the last goodbye
So I’ll keep searching, searching until I find
A better waste of time
Save your words, I’ll save my life
And if I’m searching, searching until I die
It’s a better waste of time

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This is the last goodbye
So I’ll keep searching, searching until I find
A better waste of time
Save your words, I’ll save my life
And if I’m searching, searching until I die
It’s a better waste of time
I choose to believe
In the face of my doubts
I am what I see
I am healing now
When a sky full of tears falls to the earth
I gotta believe we’re healing now
Now before you give up, before it gets worse
I have to believe we’re healing now...healing now
If I could stand on top of my world
I’d still be looking up at stars that I can never touch
I wrestle with my thoughts at night
Anchored to the ropes I tied to myself
Heaviness in both my legs
Like I walked a thousand miles a day
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