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Custom Sneakers & Clothing made with time proven methods. Author of "How to Make Custom Sewn Sneakers: The Complete Production Process".
Make Your Own Shoes!www.anaghe.com/#!books-videos/c23co
Show moreCustom Sneakers & Clothing made with time proven methods. Author of "How to Make Custom Sewn Sneakers: The Complete Production Process".
How to Make Custom Sewn Sneakers : the Complete Production Process www.anaghe.com/#!books-videos/c23co
Break's the silence and reveals the secrets to manufacturing custom sneakers.This book is the first of its kind and it's impact will change forever how custom sneakers are made. The book explains in depth, the procedures , the tools , the type of exotic leathers to use. You cant help but appreciate the content for this is a full guide to maximize your aftermarket profits. And with free access to 10 step by step instructional videos (members area) you'll find learning the material fast and easy. Subscribe to our Channel to WIN $300 & Free Membership to www.anaghe.com Drawing 11/1/15 .
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