Commando with his Mitsubishi eclipse is Live;Soon,Commando friend is in America.Commando Like American country,out from gtreat American city and to it like too the life in country with animals,dogs,cats,hourses and woods.Recently commando has been in france.In past Christmas but AMerican is better for music and life for all the life.
Trump is great as Bush.Thank to Bushstrategy today Bin Laden there is not exist and the talebans are go in rovine.Today tank to Bushstrategy Police and military can search with more terrorist.For Example the better mode strategy Bush for control tabulate for tabulate or control for meet of subject terrorist for tabulate,is a good metod of control.After there is appalt vigilance with budget of united States for private agency of investiogations and vigilance formed in military usa or DIA.The metod of vigilance control of houses or quarters is good for security of zone because also the operator of vigilance,were learn the live and metod life of civils of those American zone.Important to Know who live in determinate houses for tabulate control or normal control through banc document,or telefon document or document of cultural associations.All this is all legal for yuor consens firm that yuo have put in Bank or all your new work.We help Trump.
Hello!OrrorProblems in Italy with new fascist Partite.There is Casa Pound and MSI Saya Gaetano of New Fascist Partite.This is a new problem in tractative on Italian Government.The new Orror Casa Pound and MSI Saya Gaetano violate all Government Mancino Laws and the International laws.The partites xin violations have violate the Atlantic Pact and in Italy art. 270-271-272 and are under investigations from Police.
Hello!Great Trump is President for all the world.Now,America can to go in better vigilance on terrorist activity.But this don't is a sign of ugly questions.More vigilance for USA wanna say more security for all USA,as have said all Precedents,America Presidents. Trump is the only way for to save USA and the Global situations of Real problems as Ukraina or Turchia.There are many problem that don't to start from President Putin but from terrorist wire of ISIS or Al Qaeda infiltred in Russia and in Est Europe.The peace transactions of Putin and Trump to serve for peace in Europe Zone as Ukraina or in Turchia,where Putin have,in different mode,saved many agents FSB or CIA thanks his Intervent but Putin have saved also cristian Civils.The metods of Putin are more hard in Defence post but thanks Putin many arabs and many americans military are in peace thanks to covering of AeroHunt.America,can always do friends on PutinHelp with opening on blockIsis for dystroy Terrorist threaths. (Grifei in arab language)