Official Website Of ALWIN SMOKE
Here you can get informations about the Music of Alwin Smoke, his current available CDs "The Last Dance" & "Saggattaria" and upcoming projects!
At the 31st of March 2015 the new Alwin Smoke CD „Spirit's Free“will be released.
On the official Website you got the opportunity to listen to the awarded Songs „My Girl In The Sunrays“ & „Sunset“ before release.
Both tracks get prices at the german Rock and Pop Award of the DRMV.
„Sunset“ reached the 3rd rank for best woodwinds 2014 and „My Girl In The Sunrays“ gets even the first winner in the category best rhythm- and-blues-song 2014, what makes us really happy !
This time the twelve songs of the new album are in a blues-and classicrock style.
„Sunset“featured a beautiful flutemelody with renaissancecharacter and the track „Hungarian Dance No. 5“
honors the great Johannes Brahms in rocking garment.
Title like „Bad Voice“ and „Roots Of My Life“ still represent the rockattitude of Alwin Smoke.
Please take also attention of our monthly CD Give Away !!!
Feel free to get in touch with us and keep us informed, if you are interested in the new Alwin Smoke CD.