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"The times, they are a-changing"One of Bob Dylan's most famous songs still rings true today. Drug prohibition is failed system. Prohibition in general is a failed system. People should govern themselves on what they put into their bodies, not this Big Brother styled government. I'm tired of losing friends for years to marijuana, LSD and other drug related crimes. Its time for a change, and its been a long time coming.
Show moreRichard Branson says if a company is failing, it's time to change strategies -- and the same applies to the disastrous war on drugs.
Great article on CNN. The war on drugs is a "trillion dollar failure". All it does is put cash in the pockets of the cartels. You won't see any change however because of all the money police departments stand to lose if drugs are made legal. A truly sick system.
Show moreI firmly believe that drugs make music better. Without drugs, a lot of the music made in the 1960's would not exist. Most notably,The Beatles great album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. It is clear that they used marijuana, LSD and/or all sorts of other mind altering drugs. I think everyone should at least experiment with drugs, especially musicians. It opens a door that most cannot open without drugs. The problem is when people rely solely on drugs to create music. Thats when you get your addictions and over doeses. Everyone needs to know their limits.
Show moreOrder "Melophobia" now: http://smarturl.it/Melophobia?iqid=cv (Directed by Isaac Rentz / Produced by Stephen Buchanan) Music video by Cage The Elephant perfo...
Love this video. Crazy visual effects with a clear message to use drugs to "things ain't always they seem to be. Do you understand the things you've been seeing?" Obviously been using LSD and/or psilocybin mushrooms. Love it.
Show more"And these other musicians today who don't use drugs and in fact speak out against them... boy do they suck"
Show moreAll drugs--every single one from alcohol to methamphetamine--should be legal for personal use. I have taken almost every drug known to man. While I wouldn't recommend drugs to everyone, it should be the individual's choice and not the government's.
My stance stems from my political beliefs as well as my personal drug use. For me, preventing any person from ingesting a
substance is a direct violation of individual liberty. While taking drugs is
not inherently a good thing, it is still not the job of the government to tell
a grown adult what they can and cannot put into their bodies. A mantra that I
like a lot is “government is there to protect you from others, not yourself." I probably believe this because the first 18 years of my life were spent in Amsterdam, where marijuana and psychedelics are legal. People may call me crazy but I fully believe that the prohibition of drugs is unjust and we should end this ridiculous "war on drugs" for all drugs, not just cannabis.
I am so tired of the TMZ and Entertainment Tonight bullish*t. Honestly, these people are the scum of the media world. They get some sick pleasure by obsessively reporting the drug habits and addictions of celebrities. Its vile and exploitative. I'm sure these assh*les would not enjoy their problems being broadcasted on primetime television for the world to see. Tabloid gossip shows like these are responsible for the decline in American culture and society. Instead of painting celebrities with drug habits as hopeless burnouts, maybe they could use their national platform for good. They could change the stigma that drug addicts are lesser parts of society and move towards a world where we treat addicts as sick people who need all the support we can give. This will never happen as these media outlets want to feed America's sick celebrity obsession. Disgusted.
Show moreA few weeks ago, people on social media, journalists, and commenters freaked out because Damon Albarn said heroin helped his art and was "very agreeable," so we decided to interview a doctor to find i…
While I wouldn't recommend Heroin to anybody, my friend at Vice, Raf Katigbak, explores the creative advantages of using heroin and opiates
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