So Reggie Dabbs spoke today, and all I was hearing was oh finally a speaker that I wanna listen to! ...this is why some of us are so low in our faith! Because we wont listen to any other speaker that comes in if they aren't well know, or they preach what we think isn't important to us. We miss out on so many great opportunities to connect with God, because he's a missionary and I'm not going into missions or they don't have the same theological understanding of God that I do! Stop putting God in a box!!! Stop thinking God can only move through the "Great Speakers," IF THE MESSAGE ISN'T FOR YOU THEN STOP CRITICIZING EVERYTHING ABOUT IT AND PRAY FOR THE PEOPLE THAT THE MESSAGE IS FOR!!! (...and if you are going to criticize what I just posted then you need to go spend time in God's word and pray about were your heart is.)
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