Dolemite שלום Dolemite שלום Reflections by JERRY KLEIN, aKa : Colonel Disguise-Disguise (Nam)
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Oh come O ye' moors of Islam. Saladin wasn't triumphant. What's up little pups? . . Shall we rock? Shiite or Sunni? Still CAN'T kick Israel out. Same song!!! Moooaaahh!!!! I am a descendant of the Seven Tribes of Israel. The real ❂Zohan❂. So, STFU to "ALL" the Muslims. Allah and Muhammad spew Satanic verses . . . . Print words of your Koran on my new product, "KORAN TOILET PAPER!!" - - What about the Allah-Hu-Akbar Tampons and Douches ? Such controversial novelty items will sell like hotcakes, globally!!! Imams have fatwa-issues about tissues? Send Homicide bombers after me? We'll see. Have you been to an american ghetto? . . . . Think about your Mosques in the L.A. & surrounding counties !!!!