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Spokane, WA
  • Yo just going through all the songs you make.been sober and clean off of everything for 8 months and I'm liking all them.I think your doing great. How are you? I'm currently staying at_Home Is Where The Heart Is 2Its a business that assists people that have trouble being civil. got a couple charges these past couple of year so I'm doing this till I'm off probation in three months. I've really missed going to shows and stuff but I'm just to caught up right now to have money... yet in three months ill be getting some cash from the feds.I just want you to know I'm really proud of you as a brother and I'm going to school for audio engineering. I hope yall super ninjas are working hard and making everyone proud. My brother I miss ya.Let me know if you still have those beats i bought from you because i put the only copy i had on the x-box explicit owns. but they could be long gone. and if its to much to ask don't worry about it . thanks

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