My name is Melissa and I don't have eyes if you don't send this to 13 people I willcome and be in your bed tonight at 12:00 pm then I will scratch your eyes out and cut a smile on your face and cut your fingers and cut your face and hair I will kill your family just like Iwould have killed you Example 1) a girl named Teresa read this but didn't believe this . She fellasleep and when she woke up at 11:05 she saw me . She's dead now and doesn't have fingershair or eyes 2) A boy named Harry read this and got scared . He sent it to 9 people, that wasn't enough but I didn't kill him . He woke up and took a shower , he looked in the mirror andgot the biggest fright of his life he is forever scarred now. 3) A girl named Katie read this and got scared she sent it to 15 people safe now I watch her and protect her fromthe other bad spirits the next day she found$100 dollar bill on the street she got married and has the best job that pays $35 an hour she has two cats and two kids she has 1 husky. If you post this to 1 comment - u die. 7 u get thebiggest fright of your life 13 or more u will end up like Kate Carlson
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