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Sylmar, CA
  • Check this news,…Czech!!!! . . . . Oh you know this story, another burglary in Simi Valley? A Tan Cherokee? Do you have any Jehovah's Witnesses? Do I have info? OFF COURSE !!! I am the Internet Inspector detector (LAPD). No Such Incident reported to the Simi Police? . . . Must be some Theft-Insurance scam perpetrated by someone. Time to do "$elective-claims". Whip out those docs (documents and receipts) He's been psychologically profiled!! I hope he's cognizant about having no class because certain claimed valuable-items are RED FLAGS for INSURANCE companies. (Stick with the social class your born with) You know the one!!! The one who made a bogus call to Social Services for "Parental Financial Abuse" (In-the/for-the records). .The Clientele manager of FIDELIS Professional Services. . . . BOGUS TO THE MAX!!!!!!

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    remove PEter ALeXander
  • Way to go Ursula Von Der Leyen. "MILF DEFENCE MINISTER". Possible the next Chancellor or Krieger Fürstin of Germany !!! . . . ALLES KLAR HERR VLADIMIR PUTIN? . . . All I have to say is, "Sind Sie bereit für die CZECH SURGE?" . . . . . . . . . . Update: Nach Angaben der Brigade ist geplant, dass jeweils sechs Soldaten zu dieser Einweisung in den Nord-Irak reisen und nachfolgend von wiederum sechs Kameraden abgelöst werden.
    Die Bundesregierung hatte beschlossen, den kurdischen Milizen für den Kampf gegen die islamistischen ISIS-Terrorgruppen Waffen und Ausrüstung zu liefern. Im Nordirak ist die Einweisung an den Infanterie-Handwaffen wie Sturmgewehr G3 und Maschinengewehr MG3 geplant. Die Ausbildung an komplexeren Systemen wie der Panzerabwehrrakete Milan soll dagegen in Deutschland stattfinden.
    Nach Angaben der Brigade ist noch nicht festgelegt, wann die Fallschirmjäger in den Irak verlegen – noch sind ja auch die Waffen nicht geliefert. Da es sich nicht um einen bewaffneten Einsatz deutscher Streitkräfte handelt, ist auch kein Mandat des Bundestages vorgesehen.
    (Archivbild 2010: Armenische Soldaten werden für den Einsatz in Afghanistan bei der Bundeswehr am MG3 ausgebildet – ©Thomas Trutschel/

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    remove Serge Česká Serž
  • ARE YOU READY FOR THE CZECH SERGE ? ? ? Waffen ||ß|| §urf §oldiers . - - -
    2609 CAMERON ST.
    MOBILE, ALABAMA 36607-3104
    . . . . . . . . . . . .
    A former GTL employee in California named Brenda has a pending lawsuit. (or $ettled?) . It's about not getting the bonus that was promised to her by GTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Little did GTL know she was buying time, studying and learning GTL's Telecom business plan for the corrections industry to eventually rival them . . . . . . . . . . . In fact, FIDELIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES was created while she was working for GTL. Stealing valuable GTL customers, contacts, sub-contractors and their support system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    Brenda's modus operandi - To create a company and make a corporate executive out of her unqualified husband, Robert Anthony Wilson (the weak-link). . . . . Concentrate the attack on him in ANY area !!! Education, A detailed history of his Professional work experience and Qualifications. . . You could even go personal on him. Has he been escorted by security cause he was fired? Has he been convicted of vehicular manslaughter as a juvenile? Was his mama preggers at 15? Did his uncle blow his head off? Did he pull the plug on his dad? Drugs? Don't go there!! (Generations in drug rehabs that would scare the tweak out of Meth addicts) . . Is his dad a drug addict? . . Guns? Ha! Ha! Lol!! Ask him about his college days? Working and going to school at the same time requires rote learning and the cognitive skills of someone with a high I.Q.? . . . Must be some kind of God Damned Genius? . . . . . YEAH , . . . FORREST DUMPTY!

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    remove Serge Česká Serž
  • Who is Sinbob & FIDELIS Professional Services (855) 377-2677 or (855) 377-8467 Fax : ? The California SS Association of Corporate Partner's program is given to companies that do business with the Sheriffs and the corrections industry. They get these award plaques. That's the extent of it!!! . . . . . . . . . . With frivolous lawsuits against ex-employers and invisible educational backgrounds fluffed with employment stints, shatter FIDELIS Professional Services' illusion of Integrity? . . . Is this another character assassination job? There's a fine line between libel and character assassination. The latter, is what politicians do and spend billion$ . . . . . . . . . . . . The LAPD does Psychopathy-profiling if they have the history. Like for instance, If you had D.U.I. manslaughter charges as a Juvi- then later on, did euthanasia on your own dad. Your into guns and the White race. . . . Have no idea of how people with real superiority complexes act like. . . . . I keep the Internet peace.

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    remove PEter ALeXander
  • Awe, Ohh~Ahh ! ! ! Who said I couldn't control the weather in California? ;) Ha! Ha! . . What drought? . . . . . . . Forget Sochi. We got Cali ! ! ! . . Heavenly Ski Resort in Lake Tahoe is open so is Mammoth ! ! ! Malibu Jana ||ß|| will be competing in Mammoth. . . . . . . . My thoughts go to the people of the Ukraine. After all, their right next to Slovakia. . AWE, OHH-AHH ! ! ! "CRIMEA RIVER!!!" . . .You need to convert your currency to €Uro first before Deutschland declares war.
    . . .
    . . . . BACK TO THE BIZ OF THE VALS > Sinbob begann ein wenig zu spät auf den Hillbilly Fahrgeschäfte. Jetzt hat er ein paar Quads. Kein Redneck Einfallsreichtum. . . The dragon's lair is obviously lacking funds!! 15 acres of underutilized land doing nothing

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    remove Malibu Barbie
    We are water and fire clean up company, specializing in contents restoration. Our company is dedicated to the well being of our clients. We will walk all jobs with customer upon completion and allow them to overview results. Our Emergency Service respose is one hour or less for arrival time. We will quote all services to be offered prior to beginning work. . . . . MY OFFICE (310) 743-3403. . . . . . . . . . . Our Turbo-Techs will take digital photos of areas effected and present them to the customer or involved Insurance adjuster. . . . . ✡ ✡Malibu Kent (818) 807-9467. ✡ ✡
    Air duct cleaning expert, Floor refinisher, All stain removal, Mold Remediation, Water Damage, Restoration, Water, Flood, Structure drying specialist, Ductwork, Stain Removal, Structural Drying, Floor, Residential Homes, Small Business, Floors, New Business Development, Carpet, Wood, Flooring, Remediation, Marketing, Budgets, Property & Casualty Insurance, Fire Management, Property, Renovation, Indoor Air Quality, Home Improvement, Management, Apartments, Selling, Insurance, Property Management, Agents, Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate.

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    remove Jitka Stanley
  • To Tômas Siba on Facebook- Myspace A.K.A. Tiger Beat: Why so many Czechs in llßll Surf Soldiers? You, Jana, Jitka, Serge, Surfer Czech, Dixie Czechs, Czech that Petra Czechs, Radka, Rottka, Lenka, Sharka, Czech ConsulateTômas, Czech Drago, Czech Serge, Multi Czechs and Dusty Divorak!!! . . . . . . CHECK√1, CHECK√2, CHECK√3, CHECK√4??? IT'S A CZECH SURGE!!! You already have a "CZECH SERGE".

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    remove PEter ALeXander

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