Jennifer S. CarrollJennifer immigrated to America from the Republic of Trinidad West
Indies at the age of eight. She enlisted in the United States Navy in
1979. At a time when women were not the norm in her chosen field, she
rose through the ranks from an enlisted Jet Mechanic and retired as a
highly decorated Lieutenant Commander Aviation Maintenance Officer after
20 years. She held both Secret and Top Secret Security Clearance.
Jennifer is currently the Senior Advisor for Global Digital Solutions,
Inc. (GDSI) and she is the future President and Chief Operating Officer
of GDSI. Under her leadership the newly-formed GDSI Advisory
Board is busy working with GDSI's officers and directors to complete
multiple acquisitions, raise money for working capital and conduct the
planned consolidation of the small armaments and allied industries.Jennfier CarrollJSC,Florida House of Representatives,Nolan