Basil | CD Baby Music Store
Listen to and buy Basil music on CD Baby, the independent record store by musicians for musicians.
O my beloved friend,
The day has come to upload the final part of my magnum opus: ‘ID part 4; FOR WE MAY NEVER,
EVER MAKE IT’. I firmly believe it’s the best musical piece I’ve composed so far. It’s SO GOOD that, whenever I listen to it, I get a rather persistent arousal. As a result of this, the cats in my neighbourhood get spooked & run for the hills (which are quite far for I live in a flat neighbourhood).
Exposure to this level of auditory pleasure is likely to cause other strange phenomena as well: For safety reasons I’ve included a subliminal message that goes ‘Do not
faint!’ repeatedly but… it doesn’t work on mp3 (!?) It is, therefore, highly
recommended that You be seated while listening.
Well then, ENJOY!
Your comments are welcome & appreciated.
Peace & love,
P.S. Given
the recent developments here, I’d like to unashamedly invite You to my other
pages as well: