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Show moreJames we did Brazil Brooke shanasty lives in me and Kristi Garced Nyyu Kristi And this all because I c• Could• go to nyu at my apartment in the summer where they weirdly mean to me at my home sva at 23 Lexington avenue apt1401 nyny10010 •I would return home if I could I am L magazine inthsnk u for love in Village Voice the very Warriors u are in my brother October21•201, Jameshughesday•InChepseaonadderallMEDICATIOMTIMEMEDICATIONTIMEDREAMMASTER..Zi have narcolepsy.•Bronx Adderall Apparent. Bob I'm a Z park! Joey.Machije.sofiacoopavsmpire
bronx has roommate my were you you loveI Adderall assure 😷Hughes James Hughes on Adderall you are with me I am secretly drafted u are in me yet there I love u is tattoo yet I wished but went off Adderall for a day Since Caitlin in me somebody tried to kill me James Hughes they rig me to know no money I know you FBI but I count David schtoder dead yeah we 110 Free and accepted New York City Masonic lodge the 6th avenue)/west23rd street nyny10010 I have on Facebook with you•Ocvupu• ••√• • • Come vetefdd my Facebook in my update for my mommy. Age:37 Gerald Garcia
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